For Grammis 2025, the theme has its obvious origins in music and above all movement and the physical reactions music can create in those who listen, see and experience. We are inspired by how movements can take on different expressions and maintain different tempos. The result is a logotype and an imagery that captures the subtle motion blur that can occur when we create structure and movement in time to music. We work with a diffused blur that means that the gaze never completely remains still on one point, we cannot know for sure whether it is still or a weak movement we see.
The motifs we use to stage the movement we want to show are abstract close-ups of objects in motion. We show them both in filmed material when possible and in static material when required. The motif itself is intended to be able to channel the movement energy we want to show and should be a beautiful object for those cases when you see it a little more imaginatively, while at the same time allowing the imagination to fill in when it is abstract. Here we use the beautiful and dramatic structure of flowers and have developed motifs using both slow-motion filmed material, duplications and AI technology.
The color scale emerges from dark burgundy tones that provide a warm and dramatic foundation. In addition, a spectrum of light tones from orange via yellow to pink and blue that gives a range and an additional dimension to the color scale. The logo for the year is made with a poppy, light pastel turquoise that breaks up and creates contrasts.
As always, the design for the Grammy Gala is based on the basic values defined for the brand: Quality, Pride, Exclusive, Swedish Music History and Inclusive.