
Hufvudstaden has properties at the best addresses, and since they are in prime locations, they have great potential as media space during vacancies. Our task was to create a concept that utilizes these spaces to strengthen the brand and generate interest in vacant premises, in this case, the former Adidas store at the intersection of Sveavägen/Kungsgatan.


Carlow, an Irish distillery deeply rooted in County Carlow, challenged us to reimagine the perception of Irish whiskey. Our task was to create a brand platform and campaign that broke away from tradition, infusing Carlow with a modern, playful spirit – opening the door to a new world of whiskey.   Drawing inspiration from Carlow’s rich […]

NOFO Wine Bar

In March 2024, NOFO Hotel geared up for the relaunch of its wine bar, aiming to complement the hotel’s international profile with a more local presence and establish a vibrant wine community in the area. We were tasked with developing a framework for the wine bar, including visual identity, communication concept, and PR activation.   […]